Collection: Super Massive Space Dwarfs

Introduding our Super Massive Space Dwarf army builder sets. We have kits to build Drones, Exo-riggers,Trigrav Jetbikes,  Gear heads, Psyentists, Roughnecks, Ternderisers, Wardens, and a massive TOAD truck. We also have extra sets to customise your army even more!

Deep within the crushing depths of Sagittarius A*, where even light fears to tread, the Supermassive Space Dwarves thrive. These unyielding warriors call the galaxy’s supermassive black hole home, shrugging off gravity’s embrace as a mere inconvenience.

They share their dominion over the abyss with their robotic aides—sentient constructs forged in the same stellar crucibles as their weapons. Far more than mere tools, these machines are their equals, trusted companions in battle and industry alike. Together, dwarf and robot form an unbreakable alliance, standing as one against the void's endless dangers.