
Create your miniature bases using natural materials. Part One: Realistic Leaves

Create your miniature bases using natural mater...

Adam Mayer

Crafting Realistic Miniature Leaves from Birch Seed Casings

Create your miniature bases using natural mater...

Adam Mayer

Crafting Realistic Miniature Leaves from Birch Seed Casings

Looking forwards. Will full colour printers ruin miniature painting as a hobby?

Will Full-Color 3D Printers Ruin the Miniature ...

Adam Mayer

The miniature painting hobby is a deeply rewarding, tactile experience for many hobbyists. Could the emergence of affordable full-colour 3d printers ruin the hobby

Will Full-Color 3D Printers Ruin the Miniature ...

Adam Mayer

The miniature painting hobby is a deeply rewarding, tactile experience for many hobbyists. Could the emergence of affordable full-colour 3d printers ruin the hobby

Airbrush vs Spray Can

Which is Better for Priming Miniatures: Airbrus...

Adam Mayer

Many hobbyists think that an spray can is better than an airbrush for priming miniatures. Here's why I think they're not quite right

Which is Better for Priming Miniatures: Airbrus...

Adam Mayer

Many hobbyists think that an spray can is better than an airbrush for priming miniatures. Here's why I think they're not quite right

Painting miniatures for competitions

The Journey of Painting a Competition Miniature...

Adam Mayer

The roller-coaster ride of painting for a competition

The Journey of Painting a Competition Miniature...

Adam Mayer

The roller-coaster ride of painting for a competition

Orktober preparations

Prepare for Orktober: Ready Yer WAAAGH!

Adam Mayer

Ah, Orktober! A time when the air hums with the sound of clanking metal, and every hobby desk groans under the weight of unpainted greenskins. There’s no better time to...

Prepare for Orktober: Ready Yer WAAAGH!

Adam Mayer

Ah, Orktober! A time when the air hums with the sound of clanking metal, and every hobby desk groans under the weight of unpainted greenskins. There’s no better time to...

A group of goblins and a jetpack ork

Speed Painting Orks: Get Your Waaagh! on the Ta...

Adam Mayer

Painting the boyz. Quick and Dirty.

Speed Painting Orks: Get Your Waaagh! on the Ta...

Adam Mayer

Painting the boyz. Quick and Dirty.